“10 Questions” with Jordan Costen, Executive Director, Safe Space NOVA

Our founder and executive director, Jane Collins, asked way more than “10 Questions” with Jordan Costen, founder and executive director of Safe Space NOVA. Jordan created this nonprofit to give LGBTQ+ youth a welcoming and supportive place to be themselves. In our “10 Questions” we talked about LGBTQ+ safety, stereotypes, and scholarships, we met his adorable rescue dog “Bo” and we learned Jordan’s alter ego if he ever went into the witness protection program! And in our “5 More Questions” story we talked about his favorite restaurant … one you should definitely try!

“10 Questions” with Dr. Stephen Haering, Director, City of Alexandria Public Health Office

Masks! Masks! Masks! Yes, Dr. Stephen Haering, Director of the Alexandria Health Department, and I talked about masks – when to wear them, how to wash them, and what are his favorites! And we talked about a whole lot more during our “10 Questions with Dr. Haering and our follow on “5 More Questions with Dr. Haering.” He’s an interesting guy – his advice to Alexandrians on how to make our community stronger was SO not what I expected from a public health doctor, as was his guest list for his dinner party for six. Take a look!

“10 Questions” with Brandi Yee, Chief Program Officer, ACT for Alexandria

Actually it was way more than 10 questions … our Z-TV Live “10 Questions” was closer to 20 questions, and I’m really hoping that Brandi will make me some yummy dessert now that I know what an amazing baker she is in her spare time! And I found out something we had in common with our “5 More Questions.” Find out about ACT for Alexandria, Brandi’s favorite Friday night treat, and our shared avoidance of math!

“10 Questions” with Jaqueline Tucker, City of Alexandria Race and Social Equity Officer

What a powerful interview with Jaqueline Tucker, the City of Alexandria’s Race and Social Equity officer. It was insightful and fun at the same time (loved playing “Two Truths and a Lie” with you)! Jaqueline, thank you for being the perfect guest, for your candor, and for sharing with us how we can each begin to dismantle systemic racism. Missed the show? Watch it now! Then take a few minutes to read “Five More Questions with Jaqueline Tucker” to learn even more about her, and how to dismantle systemic racism.

“10 Questions” with Marion Brunken, Executive Director, Volunteer Alexandria

Yes it’s true! The Zebra was so pleased with our Quarantales stories and our executive director’s guest appearance on their Facebook Z-TV LIVE! show last week that they’ve asked Jane to host a weekly show for them! And of course she said yes because she’s not going to pass up a chance to be on TV. So, welcome to “10 Questions” where Jane asks an Alexandria leader to answer 10 (or more) professional and personal questions. And why? Well, for two reasons. First, viewers get to know our community leaders beyond their job title. Second, we want to show viewers different ways they can get involved in making our wonderful Alexandria even better and stronger!

And don’t miss our follow-up “Five More Questions with Marion Brunken” too!

Our inaugural show aired on June 24, 2020. How did we do? And if you want to nominate an Alexandria community leader to be on our show, contact us!