Caring Cards – for us!

June 28, 2021 – Who doesn’t need an affirmation every once in awhile – or every day – to remind us of our awesomeness? Sometimes it’s hard to remember our unique and special selves, especially on those days when the rest of the world seems to say otherwise. So, our Heard artist Alison McHugh led the Friends of Guest House women through this wonderful papercraft class where they each chose their own affirmation (pre-printed, or they could create their own) and designed cards that they can place on a dresser, vanity, or desk to remind them of their greatness or to motivate them with love. What do you think?

Who is your Superhero?

Who is your Super Hero? Wonder Woman? Batman? Or, as we did with the women at the William G. Truesdale Adult Detention Center in Alexandria, VA, we made our own. Our super heroes have magic in them that help us and help the world. Take a look at what creative and healing superheroes the inmates created under the guidance of our amazing Heard teacher Sharmila Karamchandani. Don’t you wish these superheroes really existed?
This creature has a calming face and body of strength. The red fingertips have healing quality. She comes into your life to make you realize your own beauty.
Meet the Pain Relieving Octopus! It has healing tentacles. Wherever you have pain the tentacles can heal you upon touch.


Merry Toth, Friends of Guest House, June 14, 2021

My Journey Began

My journey began as a loved child

Spoiled and disciplined

Then when I became the age of choosing,

I chose the wrong path.

The path I chose was fun.

There was a boat ahead

And when I got in that boat,

I wasn’t given any oars.

One day I knew

One day after drifting,

That time had gotten away from me

And I looked into the water

And realized I was becoming an old woman.

I knew that I had let life get away from me.

I looked to the land and saw my family.

While I was drifting down the rocky stream

Filled with darkness and struggle,

They had light and laughter I could hear.

I had missed so much.

I yelled for help.

Someone came and got me.

But when I was thrown a rope

I had consequences to pay.

Determined to save the only life I could

The consequences I had to pay

For the life I had no direction

But darkness had its consequences

Waiting at the shore.

Put in a cell where I could reflect

On the life I did not have and the things I had done

While drifting in the dark with no oars.

A demon had attached itself to me,

And directed my life and had chains on me,

but invisible they were,

but there all the same.

This time in a cell gave me time to think

About what to do now.

A new life awaited me.

Was I going to get back in that boat

And put the chains back on, or

Choose a new path?

A path full of life,

No longer being controlled by the demon that was my closest companion,

but my worst enemy who only wanted my soul.

Today, I have chosen life.

The years in the boat adrift I learned many lessons.

I am able to be a strong woman.

I have chosen God to direct my life.

No more chains, but

Freedom at last.

Dark Valleys to Bright Paths

Nicole Prince, Friends of Guest House, June 14, 2021

My journey began when I was young & new.

I was gullible & He knew.

He took me through ups and downs

good times & bad.

In the beginning it was fun & a lot of laughs.

We went everywhere together

I had his back & He had mine.

One day I knew it was too good to be true.

My journey was taking me on lefts

when I was supposed to go right

& rights when I was supposed to go left.

The sunshine & rainbows were fading away

along w/the good times & laughs.

This journey had me isolated but it was too late

I had already started on this road & had to see

which way would bring me home.

Determined to save the only life I could save

I knew I had to take the wheel again

& control where I was going

because my journey had gotten out of control

& I was lost,

just floating along in blindness

& I knew I had to get my life

back on track

& to do that I had to bring this journey to an end

so I could start a new one.

Today I am on a different journey

& I am focused and in tune with how I am

& with what I want

& I know I have to stay in control

& stick to the right path

so this journey doesn’t take me

down the dark valley which I knew all too well

& never want to see again.

From here on we are on a bright path of the journey.

Called “my life.”


New Beginnings

Tory R., Friends of Guest House, June 9, 2021

While I hate confined spaces

I love being outdoors

Music is my safe place

Silence is my killer

Being bored agonizes me

The feeling of loneliness fades

As love invades my life

New beginnings

Peak over the horizon

Sobriety has overtaken me

And darkness finally shatters

Hope overwhelms me for the first time

Failure is not an option now.