Finally Letting Go
By Tyresha Brand
Friends of Guest House, Spoken Word class, January 12, 2022
When I close my eyes at night
I dream of letting go of the pain
I dream of letting go of the hurt
I dream of letting go of the shame
Like mini movies across my mind
I see my life as it was
constant trials & tribulations
yearning for a simple hug
I see myself as a speck,
merely existing in this world
asking why these things are happening to me
for I am only a little girl
then to movie fast forwards to the present
and I see the woman I have become
and I can hold my head up and smile
because satan you haven’t won
now my visions are visions
of prosperity, happiness, and success
and I can give my past a proper funeral
and lay it all to rest
cause i’ve grown and i’ve blossomed
and i’ve finally made it through
and i’ve learned a few lessons along the way
like to thy own self be true
now those dreams have turned into reality
and I can finally let go
of the hurt, the shame, and the pain
with plenty of room to grow
I refuse to allow my past to make me bitter
or let it define me
cause my past is just that, my past
and I am finally free.
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