Meant To Be


Angie W., Friends of Guest House, October 2019

going through life with all its ups & downs

trying my best not to wear a frown

trying to have patience with myself

while crying out to God for his help

I know I can not do this on my own

for if I try all I do is moan

oh on this journey the things I’ve learned

these lessons have been hard ones I’ve earned

I’ve cryed I’ve laughed I’ve even yelled

even my body I have sealed

but through it all I’m still standing

with love respect I am demanding

there was a new voice saying

don’t take life sitting down or even laying

standup tall with your head held high

even though you’ve been through a lot its ok to cry

Through your lessons learned you are

now a good woman for all to see

better than you were becoming

exactly who you were meant to be

The Choice Is Yours

The Choice Is Yours

Jumiya Arleen Crump

Heard/Arlington County Detention Facility writing contest, August 2019

I cried so many tears,

I have no more

I just fold.

Put trust in filthy people

that my heart it’s so cold.

You win some and you lose some

knowledge wisdom it’s gold.

Expand your mind to ease your time

for peace you unload.

Pray for the best expect some mess,

that’s just how it goes.

IF you’re loved they hate

just find some faith and pray

your soul stuck in a cell

I think its hell,

I’m desperate it shows.

No friends, no visits, no fam,

no money no hope for unknown.

But still I try to hold my head

cause only God knows.

When in distress I know I’m blessed

I breathe and let go.

Thought you was me and I was you

together were’ bold.

But you hate me and I love you

why ever so cold.

My down-fall was a dollar but a dollar was pleasing,

it had my back it kept me smack on pace and from freezing.

I found the piece which lead to peace

my puzzle is golden.

In forgiveness there is power,

for my power I’ve chosen

sometimes it’s best to let go give

so that the humble can live.

For a fool is just a fool who claim the wise looking in none is chosen.

No man is righteous for he is lifeless.

But through the son and faith alone

His grace His mercy was shown.

It’s up to you the choice is yours.

With that knowledge I’m gone.

I’ve Weathered Some Ferocious Storms, and Noticed that the Most Extraordinary and Peaceful Sunsets seemed to Follow the Worst Ones

I’ve Weathered Some Ferocious Storms, and Noticed that the Most Extraordinary and Peaceful Sunsets seemed to Follow the Worst Ones

Victor Oben Ebai Jr., Arlington County Detention Facility

I’ve weathered some ferocious storms, and noticed that the most extraordinary and peaceful sunsets seemed to follow the worst ones. Though life can be diabolically treacherous at times in these vitally truculent moments in our lives solidifies and enhances our faith, strength, aptitude to endure pain, builds character, enhances our resiliency to obtain more patience and a reassuring understanding that ultimately God is in control. How can you show somebody the best way if you’ve never been through the worst way. Life has taught me that we don’t necessarily need to be the best, we just have to be good enough and strive for better.

Forty-six chromosomes make up our genetic code which pertain both dominant and recessive alleles. As our genes have to proliferate, mutate, dexterously finding ways to fight diseases, infections and be self-sufficient in rebuilding our immune system. We also must be subsidiary in our lives to find new and innovative ways to survive, evolve, mature gain wisdom and adjust to detrimental occurrences throughout life.

In direct correlation with God’s preeminent purpose to my opening statement that “the most extraordinary and peaceful sunsets seemed to follow the worst ones”. I quote from Proverbs 3 verses 13 through 18. “Happy is a man who finds wisdom and the man who gains understanding”. 14 “For her proceeds are better than profits of silver and her gain than fine gold”. 15 “She is more precious than rubies, and all the things you may desire cannot compare with her”. 16 “Length of days is in her right hand, in her left hand riches and honor”. 17 “Her way are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace”. 18 “She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her and happy are all who retain her”.


As the Mind Gets Quieter, the Intuition Gets Stronger

As the Mind Gets Quieter, the Intuition Gets Stronger

Victor Oben Ebai Jr., Arlington County Detention Facility

As the mind gets quieter, the intuition gets stronger. Often times throughout life we are faced with the anxieties of trying to live up to society’s futile preconceived credence ideology of our perception of success. Any desire that we have that’s in conflict with God’s desire for us requires that we change our desire. Theoretically speaking two wrongs don’t make a right but two lefts makes a right. As a result of our disobedience in God’s purpose in our lives we are forced to take two lefts to make a right as opposed to just making the right in the first place. We’ve all learned the hard way that when we abscond from God’s desire for us daunting and catastrophic occurrences takes place in our lives, forcing us to deplete lambently changing our course to where he wants us to be.

Though many life experiences may seem abstruse we must learn to grow from it and sustain our equanimity which is the evenness of mind especially under stress. Ultimately we reach a state of equipoise gaining greater simplicity and purity of equilibrium peace and tranquility thus causing our intuition to become stronger. Previously studying at Central State University and Wesley College I learned Anatomy and Physiology one, and two with the labs, human growth and development courses, psychology, sociology, and pathology which is the study of diseases along with my greater understanding of deoxyribonucleic acid better known as DNA. Also with interleukin which is any of several proteins of low molecular weight that are produced by cells of the body and regulate the immune system and immune responses.

Tying all these subjecting matters studies have proven that gaining equilibrium of peace and tranquility not only strengthens our intuition, but it also enhances our production of interleukin proteins to regulate the immune system and immune responses. Secondly our acetylcholine which is a compound that is released at nerve endings of the autonomic nervous system and is active in transmission of nerve impulses.

The determining factor for these bodily chemicals to be secreted and properly carry out its unique tasks, they must first be aerated which is to supply blood with oxygen by respiration. Studies have also proven that too much stress causes diseases and weakens our immune system. We were created in the image of God therefore we inherited God like features such as intuition which is the power or faculty of knowing things without conscious reasoning. So I challenge you to tap into your inner God and find your purpose. When we get on our knees for God, God stands up for us. As the mind gets quieter, intuition becomes stronger.