The Most Beautiful Battle

S. Amir Farrakhan 

Third place, poetry, Heard/Alexandria Detention Center writing contest, August 2021


My vision inferior,

in comprehension of your sacred Black exterior,

that beautiful pretty,

the likes of such I’ve never seen,

true invigorating phenomenon –

of the spectacular Ebony Queen.

Without a hint of conceit,

just flawless configuration from your head to your pretty little feet,

enshrouded in luscious regal brown epidermal –

making you scrumptious & unique, in harmony like a well composed song,

within your melody is where I know I belong,

your captivating presence can right any wrong.

Utmost enthralled that you exist,

your chocolate sexy can’t resist.

I live to need Blackwomanness,

those lips, hands and hips to kiss,

compel my heart to insist

that I emphatically persist,

to make you an integral part of it,

to pull you in as close as close can get,

knowing that you are a perfect fit

and until you’re mine I refuse to quit,

you’ve got my mind, body and soul lit –

Queen, Queen, you’re that damned exquisite

Beautiful pretty you’re pretty beautiful

and my vision sees nothing less,

true embodiment of heaven,

Black masculinity you truly bless.

We began as light energy,

essential to my free,

we developed and next we flee,

into the macroscopic stratosphere

of an atmospheric sea,

where can be found the beautifulest Black galaxy –

a place where we first met,

so never forget –

that we are the original,

our love for one another innately provisional.

So enunciates the Creator,

the Alpha regulator,

the All in All known as Allah, Maker,

Owner of that beautiful Black Star,

authentic Black God worshipped in the Motherland,

before our enslavement by the “other man”,

mankind kind of man,

biblical rider on the pale horse called Death,

who worked the hell out of us til we had nothing left,

responsible for over 100 million of us taking our final breath,

the most atrocious of slave histories

and the world’s greatest theft.

You were compelled to take a stand,

you were not only the woman,

you were also the man,

tending to my mental/physical wounds,

for more than 400 blood moons,

yet with all that on your plate,

I could feel your love proliferate

and that beautiful pretty that you still maintain,

throughout this haunted odyssey of tears & pain.

And I’m grateful you stayed,

unbeknownst to you I’ve begged,


thanking Allah for this Black woman He made,

dauntless and beautiful in every hue of shade,

in my soul there’s a perpetual parade,

because I’m still here due to the price you’ve paid!

Dispised & Rejected

by S. Amir Farrakhan

Nonfiction, Heard/Alexandria Detention Center writing contest, August 2021

More than 38 of my 58 years have been survived in America’s notorious prison industrial complex, commencing from the time I was 12 years old a man. An only child, I was raised by an unwed strong take no sh_ _ type of woman, whom had a very heavy hand, that was employed all to often.

I actually hated my mother, more so because of her disciplinary enforcement. I did not get spankings, I got Kunta Kentaed (the main character of the movie Roots). However, although she beat me like I was a hebrew slave, she was an excellent provider. I’ve never known hunger, had my own room, new clothing & an abundance of games & toys, I even had my own T.V.

As tradition would have it, I’ve not known the face of my biological father. He was a soldier in “ol massa’s army,” whom wanted my mother to move to Chicago & she declined & so he went on his merry way, never sending me even a can of milk. I did however see a photo of him that my mom has.

But this behavior is a common idiosyncrasy that veils Black humanity in Amerikkka & affects all of the descendants of those sacred Souls that were compelled to this land of the free, in the belly of slave ships, like the Jesus of Lebeck among many that set sail through the middle passage.

It was a common practice of ol massa to abduct the infant from its mother & sell off the father to sire children on other plantations after impregnating all the other “heifers,” as he called the Blackwoman. And there is a word that I don’t recall, but it appellates a condition of the mind that’s brought on when an experience is so atrocious, it’s engrossed in & passed down one’s bloodline from generation to generation. I believe this has a direct bearing on the Blackmale in his ability to impregnate women & keep it moving as if the child is solely the responsibility of the mother.

However, Allah did place a very beautiful man in my mother’s life, who was with her before my birth & other than Allah, is the only Father I know & is still in my corner til this day & loves me hard. And I was raised right, he only spanked me once with a cloth belt & my mother made him do that. So why have I spent more than half my life in a prison cage? Guess what? It had nothing to do with my rearing.

The so-called educated amongst us, the “educated negros” taught in the schools & universities of our open enemies, teach us that our quality of life depends on the choices we make, not revealing that choice can be manipulated, because the mind can be manipulated & controled to a great extent if not utmost.

It’s not by chance that Black folk make up only 11% of these United States, yet better than 40% of its prison system. This implies that we, the original people of the earth, the builders of the great pyramid & the greatest civilizations & whom are renowned as the Master builders & mimicked in the masonic lodges by those who enslaved us, are prone to crime. And what’s sad is that many of our own kin take the position that we are. But remember that they are educated & trained by ol massa. It’s even worse when you find those that ol massa has made into himself. During antebullem, this breed of Blacks were referred to by their peers as “House Niggers” & they have no pride nor shame. In fact, they are examples of the manipulated & controlled mind & exist right now today.

A good example is in “corrections” or law enforcement. My grandmother was amongst those Blacks that marched, got beat with clubs & sprayed with water hoses & had flesh eating dogs sicced on them, as they protested for Blacks to be given jobs in law enforcement, to ensure that we would be protected, treated justly & fairly while in jails & prisons. However most of them hired could not have gotten that notice. But there are a very small few, whom are not under subjugation of the badge they proudly wear over their most precious organ, (the heart). Its image is a tyrant, (hermaphrodite) standing on a vanquished Black king. This is the concept, the foundation of this state & it’s fed to every employee in subtle increments, (Sic Semper Tyrannis) this is the aim & purpose of this state Virginia. Look up the word tyrant, & you’ll see what we are under (overt oppression) enforced by the now children of the slaves, “remarkabal!”

I grew up in near abject segregation, programed by white supremacy at every angle, in school the book they started us on was titled, The Little White House about a Caucasian family with a dog named Flip whom said, “Bow wow,” On T.V. the only serious character that looked like me was Bill Cosby who played a Black spy for ol massa. Black folk in this era were still trying to assert themselves, & in the hood there was not alot of positive influences. People for the most part were as Marvin Gay sang, “Trying to get over.”

I fell victim to the gangster shows on T.V. & whole heartedly embraced Al Capone. I wanted to be like him, thus I was fascinated with guns & crime of which is prevalent in poorer hoods & easily accessible, (which is all by design). So the only heros I had who looked like me where I grew up were the athletes & hoodlums & I had my choice made for me by circumstances & conditions which chose for me. The sure rout[e] was crime.

The conditions in & of any community can be & are manipulated. When institutions of employment, businesses, commerce, etc. are removed from a community, a chasm of depletion is created & what follows is poverty which changes the orientation of the mind, making it more susceptible to sugestion, especially subliminal, which is done through music & vision, esp. television “programing.” So when one is put in a sink or swim situation is there really a choice being offered, better yet, if I tell one that I’m going to kill you, pick which gun, a 357 or 44. Is that really a choice? And out of said conditions which imposed on my thinking, boredom sets in, then depression & I turned to older guys in my hood whom fed that chasm with criminal ideas & thus I began my “so-called gangster.”

As a result, reformatories & prisons have been a major part of my life, of which has taken a heavy toll on my mother’s & caused me to be absent in my own children’s lives, so there has been a snowball effect. But what it has done is brung my mother & me closer. Since 1994 she’s been the greatest mother & my very best friend.

However, it’s no secret that we, the Blackman, woman & child are an endangered species, we are not equal citizens in this country & white folk demonstrate this each second, we are still oppressed, exploited & abused. Understand that citizens do not need civil rights, even those of my kind whom have been employed in his systems of government, to him & his constituents in & of the ruling class in & of the higher echelon of society, are merely “things” to be used to help him advance & to maintain control of the common folk not on his team.

This is too Black to win this contest. It might anger ol massa!


Who Are The Thugs

by Demetrius Spencer-Coates 

Poetry, Heard/Arlington County Detention Facility/OAR writing contest, August 2021

They weren’t thugs when the stripped us from our land

and made us eat from there hand

They weren’t thugs when they took my father

and beat him right in front of his fam

They sprayed us for marching with Martin

Targeted Malcolm

Told us we couldn’t drink from there fountain

Burned our houses.

Hung our Ancestors.

Where was our justice?

Where was our justice when we were riding for freedom.

Where is our justice for all the black lies lost at the hands of police.

But they call us thugs.

Because we sag our pants

Got tatts on our face and hands

Sell drugs to feed our fam

Stand outside late night after street lights

Drive cars with tinted windows and get into street fights

Come from low income families were its hard to sleep at night,

Because of roaches, rats, killers, and street mice

So it ain’t our fault if we get discouraged

That ain’t a reason for them to want our race to perish

Because we was born to flourish.

Because you all took our ancestors and brought them here,

Instilled fear in there minds that would last for centuries and be passed through genes.

Do your research these thugs manipulated and brain washed us

Then called us thugs for what we could not control.

So tell me

Who are the real thugs?

Part 2 coming soon on the brainwashing techniques and the Government.

The End

Let my words free your mind.

Stressfull Life

Cornelius Jones

Nonfiction, Heard/Arlington County Detention Facility writing contest, August 2021

Growing up and living, being a black person can be hard and stressfull because nine times out of ten you get stereyotyped. Sometimes I find it hard to believe their are still racists people in the world.


Not liking a person for a specific reason is one thing but to hate a person for the color of their skin is outrageous to me. I never was the racist type. I myself have white friends. That’s like saying I hate white people because they inslaved my people.


I don’t understand why more white people are still and openly racists. Black people as a whole got over it so why can’t they? Nowadays a lot of people will say life is what you make it but I have met so many people who was booked up of the first crime they committed and either did jail time or labeled a felon or a criminal. A lot of times, to me it don’t make sense and I’m sure a lot of people would agree. The fact is there are more black people than whites incarcerated. Theirs no way around the truth.


Then you have racists police officers who swore an oath to protect and serve but ran racists gangs inside of the system who abuse authority. They are shooting and killing my brothers and sisters dead in the street. My people get locked up for anything instead of the help they need and I don’t think it’s right.


A lot of people don’t get the help they need until it’s to late and most of them are dead. Growing up I watched my brother die do to street violence and drug overdose because they had no guidance or help.


Going to jail doesn’t make it any better, its called being institutionalized. Jail causes stress and leads you downhill.


I know jail is for criminals but just because someone commits a crime doesn’t mean they are a criminal. Everyone makes mistakes plus the law is unfair. A lot of people who never been in jail are categorized as an inmate may read this and say of course jail isn’t fair coming from someone incarcerated but if the shoe where on the other foot I bet they would agree.


Growing up in a certain neighorhoods are most of the times is hard and can lead to a lot of trauma and stress.


Like watching your loved one die in front of you, fighting for your life, and even getting into street fights.


Hearing gunshots, getting shot is another example that can lead you down the wrong path to a stressfull life. I know because I lived it and I am currently at my breaking point. A lot of people also deal with being bullied, which can be worse in some situations, it can go beyond stress and lead to suicide.


I never had a person bully me but I was a quiet person you can say antisocial most of the time. I didn’t talk so people would test me a lot and press my buttons which gave me no choice but the defend myself


Bullys are a real thing in school, neighborhoods, jail, outside and even in work, professional environments. On top of what the average person deals with on a daily basis that can be stressful having to deal with bullies.


It’s a scientific fact that being bullied can cause stress [which] can shorten your life span.

Black or White

Black or White

by Walter D. Kissee

Heard/Arlington County Detention Center/OAR writing contest, August 2020

It’s bigger than black or white

Its a problem with the hole world.

Cant go to deep because they might get me a long road to healing.

Is our America at a point of reckoning.

The fight for Black Lives Matter Covid-19

what happen to that the fight for racial justice,

while we have police burtaitily

all of Americains from the death of George Floyd has sparked protestesting

while in police custody and with the many others we have lost this year and years befor.

A lot 21-21 Savage.

2020 has been a hellai of year

A lot of what is going on is Social InJustice which has made it to the top.


Its not hard due to video that are captured for the world to see of the wongful things done where you get a immedite rection.

Frist we need to stop RACISM



We need to change this direction

There is nothing wrong with Change or Being different

2 Chainz said it best Yea Im differents

This brings high alert cause black lives do matter more in the black community

We are a major relfection in America and we are a problem

together we have a slow world history close nothing.

But repeat itself this has been going on decades now

Im facing a decad something I throught would never happen in the land of the free.

A now Im just a son to a bastad child,

antoher Black male lost to the prison system.

Of the Black America just a product of the envermont.

More kids growing up without a father.

Unable to explain how to be a man teach them right from wrong.

At this time its been so long my son explade he dosnt know how to talk to me any more

When I left he was 4.

Now 8.

When I come home if I make it he will be.


The system and systemic justice system has found mondern Day Slaver.

And with being African being our accsiter where in slaved and white suprmacy always profiting George Whasington and Andrew Jackson both notably slave owners who are framed on our money.

The Red and Blue are to Serve and to Protect.

And Im not talking bout the Crip and Bloods

Im talking bout the Biggest Gang in the USA

Who is to protect

when you see the police you run cause you dont want to get attacked or terroized.

Now the non Black Barriey and Being the Public Horrors

Due to the Network and Techonology

Finally the world is standing with us.

Black Lives Matter.