The Experiment That Failed

The Experiment That Failed

Cordario B.

Heard/Alexandria Detention Center writing contest, August 2019

All the love, All the lust.
All the tails
About how relationships sail.
But is monogamy an experiment that failed males and females
Feel like they need that “what if”
What if they cheat
What if they leave me
What my premonition telling me can’t be.
The more I love, the more i m taking
advantage of.
But my heartbreaks makes me smarter
Be loyal and love yourself from my perspective
Is monogamy an experiment that is ineffective
Relationships treat you like a puppet
Could be lies or truth
I just say fuck it.
Build me up to shoot me down
open my heart up to step in and set a bomb off.
Blow it to smithereens
From the things ive seen
Monogamy is only real in dreams
I need serene,
Maybe no one is saveable
Or maybe Im not capable
But is monogamy an experiment that’s unsuccessful
They can’t say no to the attention
The flirting makes them smile
Telling someone that looks good no
Is cramping your style
You wild
Maybe you do it for beneficial reasons
Maybe i m not satisfying you
Just trying to figure it out
Makes me wanna yell
Is monogamy an experiment that failed.