Let’s Talk!

October – November 2023: Securing a job is a top priority for people returning to the community after incarceration. And, that first impression with a potential employer makes all the difference. Our award-winning actor/ producer/ public speaking teacher Mike Baker helped the women in the Northwestern Regional Adult Detention Center learn those skills, and along the way, give them confidence and a head start on post-incarceration success.

Lights! Camera! Action!

Acting is an art unto its own, and so many life skills come from it. First, just getting over the terror of performing in front of an audience – even if the audience is your classmates – brings a new confidence. Our 7-time Emmy winning Mike Baker, a professional actor and producer (and so much more!) coached the best performances from our Friends of Guest House clients in January 2022. He showed them the tricks of the trade – breath, pacing, key word emphasis. Listen to our newest potential Oscar winner here.