Dark Valleys to Bright Paths

Nicole Prince, Friends of Guest House, June 14, 2021

My journey began when I was young & new.

I was gullible & He knew.

He took me through ups and downs

good times & bad.

In the beginning it was fun & a lot of laughs.

We went everywhere together

I had his back & He had mine.

One day I knew it was too good to be true.

My journey was taking me on lefts

when I was supposed to go right

& rights when I was supposed to go left.

The sunshine & rainbows were fading away

along w/the good times & laughs.

This journey had me isolated but it was too late

I had already started on this road & had to see

which way would bring me home.

Determined to save the only life I could save

I knew I had to take the wheel again

& control where I was going

because my journey had gotten out of control

& I was lost,

just floating along in blindness

& I knew I had to get my life

back on track

& to do that I had to bring this journey to an end

so I could start a new one.

Today I am on a different journey

& I am focused and in tune with how I am

& with what I want

& I know I have to stay in control

& stick to the right path

so this journey doesn’t take me

down the dark valley which I knew all too well

& never want to see again.

From here on we are on a bright path of the journey.

Called “my life.”


I Am One

Friends of Guest House, June 8, 2021

I am one

Which became three

And now I am whole.

                                              Nicole Prince

I am one

Who has the intensity

To love everlasting

                                   Tory R.

I am one who

feels the universe’s energy.

Never forget where we came from.

                                       Katie K.

I am one who

fears nothing for fear is

false evidence against reality.

                                                     Erynn M.