by redclay | Aug 26, 2022 | Creative Writing, Detention Center Writing Contests, Poetry
by Shazell Robinson-Hardy
Poetry, Heard/Alexandria Detention Center writing contest, July 2022
Stuck in a silent asylum screamin
“God come save me, they trying to tame me!”
“Where are ya?”
Since birth I been the problem,
34 years of drama,
A lifetime of trauma,
Born from my momma I was bred a goner,
So the weed it keeps me calmer,
While I’m still waiting on karma to convince my father,
That the shit I can’t explain is a result of the pain that’s
running through my veins,
And it done made it to brain,
Now it’s driving me insane so I don’t abide,
That’s why they won’t let me outside,
They get quiet as soon as I arrive,
Cuz she’s afraid of me,
She constantly blaming me,
He calling me crazy,
He’s lazy,
He never phazed me,
She always hated me,
Ever since I was a baby,
Tired of lies so as long as I am alive imma a create a riot,
And be a lover,
Servant of God,
A dedicated mother,
Because I’m passionate,
but I think irrational-ly,
and I attack so casual-ly,
Constant change but nothing stays the same,
So I must not trust ya,
Patient and kind until I fully analyze your disguise,
Then it’s back to your demise,
The remnants of a wicked history,
Sickness is from the misery,
Of witnessing the bigotry,
Through the eyes of young child wonderin why,
It was foul,
Hated to see my grandma cry,
But one can only do what you allow,
I bet they won’t try it right now,
And if I never make her proud I know she still loves me regardless,
So even though I’ve been living heartless,
Imma help her show the world that I’m harmless.
by redclay | Aug 26, 2022 | Creative Writing, Detention Center Writing Contests, Poetry
by Trulynd W. Hall
Poetry, Heard/Alexandria Detention Center writing contest, July 2022

by redclay | Aug 26, 2022 | Creative Writing, Detention Center Writing Contests, Poetry
by Shazell Robinson-Hardy
Poetry, Heard/Alexandria Detention Center writing contest, July 2022
No sleep! Interrupted by the sounds of jiggling keys,
That’s every quarter on a clock that you can’t even see,
Try to read, but the story in that book is not what you need,
Get up hopeful to a breakfast tray that you can’t eat,
With fake meat, make up your bed real neat,
Or you will get written up on a violation sheet,
And get locked down for the rest of the week,
Every morning is on repeat,
Breakfast, 7 lockdown, 11 lunch 12 noon,
The baloney, turkey and the salami don’t all smell like food,
Just hold your breath and chew cuz this is jail,
And after you swallow you can exhale,
You gon spend most of your days inside your cell,
And you better make it to the TV first,
Get up for your meds when you hear the nurse,
Don’t curse, Things could be worse,
You could be riding in the back of a hearse,
Or already in the dirt,
When you’re wearing your gym shorts you gotta have on
your green t-shirt,
Don’t forget to clean the shower,
Rec is only for 1 hour,
On Thursdays and Saturdays you can shave,
But the razor only has one blade,
And “There will be no extra trays!”
Count your days and your nights,
Everybody on the outside’s money gon be tight,
They gon tell you “This time when do you get out you gotta get it right!”
You gon get a keep separate if you like to fight,
A couple more changes,
Holidays be the hardest,
Know how to greet your sergeants &lieutenants,
Arguments with them you just cannot win em,
Then there’s dinner,
You definitely will be going home thinner,
Starts at 5 and is over at 5:45 but a lot of it can not
be identified, just know it won’t be fried,
Don’t cry,
You only here to do your time, and pay for your crime,
Of course, we’re all innocent,
If anybody breaks a rule you did not witness it,
Cuz you ain’t no snitch,
Nobody here is loyal and they all gon switch,
Always think bigger and be wiser,
Most of your fellow inmates are compulsive liars,
Half of the staff should’ve been fired or never hired,
And a lot of em needa to go ahead and retire,
But you’re an inmate so it’s best to keep quiet,
They already got you on a HIGH CARB DIET without your consent,
Pray daily and remember to repent, because it’s all a test,
If you need anything you have to fill out a request,
Get accepted in a program then go and do your best,
Wait all week for commissary,
Now you gotta pay for your visits,
You still gon pay, even if they miss it,
The nurse come in after midnight just to give you a physical,
No sleep! Disrespectful!
If you doing hair don’t let them catch you,
When you need mental health they gotta put you on their schedule,
And hopefully your charges ain’t federal ’cause the prosecutors
gonna paint you as the devil,
Even though the judge ain’t kind, he can lock up your body
but never your mind, they can’t keep you here forever,
Lockdown is at 11,
Repeat at 7.
by redclay | Aug 26, 2022 | Creative Writing, Detention Center Writing Contests, Poetry
by CF
Poetry, Heard/Alexandria Detention Center writing contest, July 2022

by redclay | Aug 26, 2022 | Creative Writing, Detention Center Writing Contests, Fiction, fiction
Fact or Fiction Stalemate
by Trulynd W. Hall
Fiction, Heard/Alexandria Detention Center writing contest, July 2022
The fireworks display of explosions didn’t help ease my tension while I sat in my cockpit. A stealth attack. Of all the missions his had to be my first. Our enemy this time were the Neo Martian Alliance Corps, NMAC is what they call it. This skirmish took place near the martian moon. I stare out into the open space where the main fleets were battling. I glance around the cockpit of my fractal, recalling when I first got into it.
“Rick! Rick!” A woman in a space suit shouted at me.
“Ah! Sorry Major Carmen.” I replied but anyone would be awestruck upon your witnessing their first Fractal. As the Major chattered on my attention paced back over to the giant robot in the hanger. Fractals, a two story robot used for warfare but that wouldn’t seem likely if you saw it in person. They resemble a giant bean with stubby arms and legs.
“Ehehe.” I giggled to myself at the contrasting design and purpose of the machine.
“Something you want to share officer Rick?” Major darted at me. I stiffen up and shake my head in protest. She turned back around and restarted the briefing. Even with her back turned I could still feel her glaring eyes.
My recollection ended as my Squad Leader Flash flew up to me in in Fractal.
“Keep your chin up Rick! We won’t fail this mission!” he reassured me. Failing wasn’t much of a threat to be fair. It was almost foolproof.
Phase One, hide in an asteroid belt several kilometers away from the main skirmish. Phase Two, wait for a signal of a fake retreat. Phase Three, use our Claws, special tools used to grab large objects, to hurl asteroids into the NMAC fleet.
After that it’s easy pickings. It’s almost too easy if you ask me. I glance back over to see my Squad Leader flexing his Fractal’s arms. I couldn’t help but laugh seeing him attempt the pose with the stubby arms and one cartoonishly large claw. We got this, I thought to myself until a certain thought rolled into my mind. A thought that created a chain reaction of anxiety.
What if I miss?
What if the main fleet loses?
What if they have a secret squad also?
…What if I mess up?
A flood of anxiety drowned me in doubts. Before I could voice my fears I saw it. A glimmer weaving in and out of the asteroid belt. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief, it was too fast to be a Fractal.
“B22T” “Run” B22t” My radio went off with commands from Flash.
“Rick Run!” I heard him clearly this time.
“What’s going on?” I frantically radioed back.
“The mission “B22T failed…”. Flash murmured. Failed? Failed! Before I could process my feelings a volley of lasers rained upon the stealth team. My comrades Fractals were struck with pinpoint precision. I grab my controls and sloppily maneuver behind an asteroid.
“B22T” It’s Rosenthal. “B22T” Flash remarked in horror. A shiver hit my spine. Rosenthal….
“There’s one unit you must not engage with. Rosenthal, piloted by Jack Love, an Ace pilot with over 30 skirmishes under his belt. “Major Carmen said with uneasiness. “His Fractal is a special unit that can easily outpace any normal Fractal. I repeat. Do not Engage!”
The Major’s words echoed throughout my head to the point my lips were mimicking her words.
Do not engage.
My fingers mash my radio buttons as I try to get a reply from one of my comrades. Nothing but silence. I grit my teeth and swallow my grief. I contemplate what to do. I stand no chance against an Ace. Then something caught my eye, one of my allies silent Fractal floating in space like debris. I traced over the robotic cadaver and spotted my chance for at least a single blow on the Ace pilot.
“B22T”. Hello? Hello? Can you hear me? “B22T” an unfamiliar man’s voice hits my radio. The voice was deep yet comforting. I slowly reach for my radio. If I reply he’ll know my position. I contemplate on responding to his call. My eyes dart up to one of my monitors which showed the vitals of my squad. Red was dead and green was alive. All red but me. Witnessing the reality of war made my emotions swirl.
“I CAN HEAR YOU ACE!” I screamed over my radio. Now I have no choice but to confront him. I grab my controls in anger and prepare my attack.
“UUUUUOOOOGGHH” I shout in my cockpit. My Fractal glides out of it’s hiding spot with an asteroid in my claw. Once my vision sees past the asteroid, Rosenthal was already there.
“Found you kid!” The Ace smoothly replied.
Before I knew it my claw arm was blasted off.
“Fooled you Ace!” I exclaimed. A second claw grabs his Fractal, this claw was one I took from my allies Fractal. Now if he dares blast his laser we’ll both go out.
“Remarkable kid.” The Ace sounded shocked if he’s never been in a pinch.
The explosions in the open space continued as I remained stuck to my number 1 threat. It was excruciating sitting here waiting. As my mind drifted off I heard a familiar static.
“B22T”. “Hey kid…I give.” The Ace whispered.
Huh? Was he being serious? He was being serious. All of his weapons were released from his Fractals hands, left to float in space.
“Hopefully that’s proof enough kid.” He begins another broadcast. “This is Jack Love, Rosenthal is out of commission, operation failed.”
I slumped down in my seat, my body loosened and my mind cleared. Major Carmen called in to my praise my efforts. I released Rosenthal and after a moment of silence we turn away from each other and fly away.
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