Back to Basics with Heard’s Etiquette Class

We are thrilled to offer etiquette again with the residents of Friends of Guest House! After so much time being isolated and indoors, who couldn’t benefit from a little refresher on the basics? Our etiquette teacher Fannie Allen of The Allen Protocol & Leadership Institute, LLC brought it! Over the next month the residents will learn the finer points of social and business etiquette skills, presentation and dining (yes, dining!)


The Women of Friends of Guest House, October 2018

I gave him a dollar.

He gave me coins.


She rushed in to the house and tore off her scrubs.

Eight minutes later she was ready for dinner – heels, purse, little black dress.


Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses, pleads Miss Liberty.

Children to the right. Parent to the left. Your will be reunited after the hearing.


The smell of grandma’s ginger cookies.

The smell of potatoes, dumped from the cardboard box into boiling water.


He was captivated by me and endlessly fascinated.

He turns coldly away, ice leaving small entrails behind him.


The more things change the more they stay the same I’m told.

Change constantly repeating itself, like six-second gifs.

I want change on my terms.

My brain can change.

My body cannot.

My relationships can change, exactly as I dictate.

The world can change, but only if we become kinder, more compassionate, and committed to justice.

Otherwise things must stay the same.

I am still young.

Tibetan Flags with Friends of Guest House

Imagine if you created your Tibetan Prayer Flag, with your own affirmations. Tibetan Prayer Flags are traditionally believed to bring happiness, peace, prosperity, good fortune, health and victory over obstacles. Who doesn’t want that? The residents of Friends of Guest House created their own flags on August 23, 2021 under the loving direction of our amazing Sharmila Karamchandani. Take a look at these videos and photos, and listen to the powerful messages these brave women created for themselves.

Which Mask is You?

We’re happy when our artists are happy! Bonus if our partners and clients are too. So we hit the trifecta earlier this week when our visual artist Sharmila Karamchandani was able to go back onsite at Friends of Guest House. While Zoom classes allowed us to survive the pandemic, it wasn’t the same. We (and all of us) struggled with blurry images, poor connection, not enough cameras at our partner sites, people leaving mid-class because of connectivity, lack of supplies, etc. “What a relief it was to feel that joy again to see all the women face-to-face!” Sharmila wrote on her Facebook page.

To celebrate her return to Friends of Guest House, Sharmila chose one of her (and my) favorite projects – masks. Each of the women made two masks where one side shows what she feels on the inside and the other side shows how she seems on the outside. The women were honest with themselves and put it all on paper, Sharmila said, and they credited Friends of Guest House with helping them to dive deeper and really get to know themselves. Don’t you just love nonprofits? What do you think of their masks?

Caring Cards – for us!

June 28, 2021 – Who doesn’t need an affirmation every once in awhile – or every day – to remind us of our awesomeness? Sometimes it’s hard to remember our unique and special selves, especially on those days when the rest of the world seems to say otherwise. So, our Heard artist Alison McHugh led the Friends of Guest House women through this wonderful papercraft class where they each chose their own affirmation (pre-printed, or they could create their own) and designed cards that they can place on a dresser, vanity, or desk to remind them of their greatness or to motivate them with love. What do you think?