

by Christ Joshua M. Fletcher

Poetry, Arlington County Detention Facility/Heard/OAR writing contest, August 2022


Correct does it need to be corrected

Correctly has no matter being correction

When a newborn entered its life healthy it’s correct.

As its life have see’s other live’s doing or has done wrong & not applied to it is corrected.

Being aware of the unwealthy & still live correctly does not have time nor space

being within correction.

As thee matter which means subject, object, or person taking up space needs to be corrected.

Correctly when & or as not applied an person of correction will address you correct.

Well no-thing’s nothing will appear & as nobody even no one shall arrive to have you corrected.

Even each entire Dept. sheriff correction officer will be corrected.

Head of chain of command leads correctly

by male man made laws correct, confirm, complete, correction, corrected,