Puppet Time!

We asked the clients in the City of Alexandria’s Residential Treatment Center to make puppets or other tokens of the most positive, influential person in their life. Let the creativity begin!

Meet Mr. Green Bean, a messiah and advises people

Some lucky woman will receive this handmade necklace from her boyfriend. She has always has stayed with him and makes him want to be a better person

This woman was missing how crafty she used to be and has plans to creating soon.






Heard Arts Program Brings Creative Expression to Marginalized Individuals

What a fabulous surprise to read this story from the City of Alexandria eNews

Expressing oneself through art can be both a freeing and insightful experience, and clinicians and therapists often use art as a treatment option in their support of individuals facing a range of challenges, including mental health and substance use disorders. This fall, the Alexandria Residential Treatment Center (ARTC) partnered with Heard, a local nonprofit, to offer art workshops for individuals in recovery. (more…)


She-Art, June 2019, from a resident of the City of Alexandria domestic violence shelter.