Make of Me

Make of Me

 Aimee, Contessia, Tarkeshia, Chazcie, Ayla, Candace, Friends of Guest House, May 7, 2020

Make of my mind a fertile field

Where I cultivate beautiful ideas.

Make of my mind a calm sea

Where I can find me.

Make of my adventure

Where I go to explore.

Make of my life a beginning.

Make of my journey

So I can travel the right direction.

Make of my essence for

It is ready.


We Will


Candace Leber, April 16, 2020, Friends of Guest House

And I said to her:  Will you see how wonderful you are?

And she said:         Will you show me?

And I Said to her:    Will you forgive yourself?

And she said:   Will I have suffered enough?

And I said to us:       Will we ever love ourselves?

And we said:  Will we help each other?