Making History with Women’s History Month at Casa Chirilagua

March 3 and 10, 2023: It’s Women’s History (or Her-Story) Month, and we couldn’t wait to see what our creative visual arts teacher Sharmila Karamchandani would come up with for her Fun Fridays at Casa Chirilagua. And she went her usual waaaaaay above and beyond, as usual. These last two Fridays (she alternates weekly between grades 1-3 and 4-5), she challenged the kids to make stick puppets of women in their lives who had inspired them and they would like to honor. And the assortment they created! Some drew their grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and cousins. Others drew their teachers, two drew Helen Keller, and we even got Columbian singer Karol G. Very Fun Fridays indeed!






First, second, and third graders proudly showing off their creations.        Helen Keller              Mom and grandma, who is visiting this weekend.

Karol G. and mom                                 Her sister, who really cares for her.      Mom, who cares for and plays with him, and makes amazing papusas.

President for a Day

February 17, 2023: If you could be the president for a day, what would you do? What one-time executive order would you declare? Our teaching artist Sharmila Karamchandani asked our Casa Chirilagua kids that question, while ingeniously encouraging them to create a 3D log cabin, just like the one President Lincoln grew up in, out of index cards (how in the world does she come up with these amazing ideas)? Sharmila also discussed with them how President Lincoln’s parents were poor and he borrowed books to educate himself and with determination and hard work he became a United States president. Lesson? No matter your circumstances, you can do and become anything you want to!

That executive order? Here’s what these kids would do:
1) “The first thing I will do is kick out all the boys out from US”
2) “I will end poverty”
3) “I will end homelessness”
4) “I will remove all the rules”
5) “I will make everything free”
6) “I will build more playgrounds”
7) “I will make education free”
Some really good ideas here. Maybe they need sharing with our political leaders.



by Christ Joshua M. Fletcher

Poetry, Arlington County Detention Facility/Heard/OAR writing contest, August 2022


Correct does it need to be corrected

Correctly has no matter being correction

When a newborn entered its life healthy it’s correct.

As its life have see’s other live’s doing or has done wrong & not applied to it is corrected.

Being aware of the unwealthy & still live correctly does not have time nor space

being within correction.

As thee matter which means subject, object, or person taking up space needs to be corrected.

Correctly when & or as not applied an person of correction will address you correct.

Well no-thing’s nothing will appear & as nobody even no one shall arrive to have you corrected.

Even each entire Dept. sheriff correction officer will be corrected.

Head of chain of command leads correctly

by male man made laws correct, confirm, complete, correction, corrected,