Gratitude, Gratitude Everywhere!

November and December, 2022: Sharmila had gratitude on her mind and she finished up the year with her Fun Fridays assignment with the Casa Chirilagua kids. In the first three pictures, she asked the kids to create what they are grateful for in two drawings – one picture of what they are grateful for that can buy and one picture of what they are grateful for that they cannot buy.

Now take a looks – it sure seems to us that the kids were much more focused on emphasizing what they cannot buy – family, friends, faith, pets! There’s never a bad time to feel grateful, right?

And the last photo of that little fella proudly showing us his green creation? That was from Sharmila’s November 11 class, where she asked the kids to say “thank you” to veterans. Kinda makes your heart melt, doesn’t it?


You’re Hired!

December 20, 2022, Friends of Guest House – Nothing sounds sweeter to a job applicant than “You’re hired!” And today we helped our Friends of Guest House residents get that much closer to hearing those magic words. Our Heard etiquette instructor, Fannie Allen of the Allen Protocol & Leadership Institute, spent weeks teaching them the tips and tricks to land that job. I was asked to serve as a volunteer interviewer that day and evaluate these strong, determined women on their interview skills – their greeting, presence, dress, confidence, etc. As always, I was completely blown away by their unique combination of grit and engaging personality. I would have hired every one of them, and I hope potential employers do as well!