by Hassen Hassen
Poetry, Arlington County Detention Facility/Heard/OAR writing contest, August 2022
How can we protect our goals;
When we are not being keepers of each other souls?
Obsessed with our past;
too blind to see our present.
Too caught up in current trash;
To understand our future’s present.
In a tureen; lost in a sea of oblivion;
looking for away out; out this morass material.
Reaching for a hand; to pull us up.
Event a rope or a ladder might make us jump.
Shedding tears of joy; and smiles of sorrow;
painfully hoping and happily despiring.
With pain so deep, like the marrow’s in our bones;
And comradery so fake, like a cartoon’s souls.
We both hungry for just a little refuge;
But, all we feed each other is plates of subterfuge.
Brainwashed to inure less;
When we are supposed to be our best.
How do we protect our goals;
When we are not keepers of each other souls?
So, place me deep, where you look within;
abyssed in your soul when you need a friend.
Place it dearly next to your heart,
But never negated when we are apart.
And even thought we have different mothers;
That doesn’t mean we can’t be prison brothers.
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